  • NCISM college code : AYU0833
  • MUHS college Code : 123133
  • Admission Process : 2024-25
  • Email : anjaneyansk@gmail.com
  • College Landline : +91 253 298 1515
  • Hospital Landline : +91 253 299 1505
  • No. Of Visitor(s) : 48113

Kaya Chikitsa Department

Ayurveda is an everlasting science of medicine because it deals with all aspects of life. Particularly of human being since time immemorial.
It is the science of life and has both preventive and the rapeutic aspects of treatment. Among the Asthtanga of Ayurveda Kayachikitsa is considered as a very important branch.

Kayachikitsa means treatment of the kaya
i.e. whole human body.

Kayachikitsa is included as a main subject for final BAMS curriculum. This subject carries weightage of 290 marks. (200 marks for theory and 90 Marks for practical) This subject consists of 2 papers which includes Basic principles, infectious diseases, all systemic diseases and their management, endocrinology, Nutritional, disorders, Various, type of bites. Stings and their symptomatology and Management in details.

Kaya chikitsa of ssam has eminent teaching staff with professors, Associate professors and lecturers. Department of kayachikitsa is well equipped with different models illustrative charts, audio visual material like CDC, http, Slides also various equipment required for clinical examinations emergency procedure and emergency drugs etc.

During 3 terms of final BAMS Curriculum, different practicals, emergency Procedure emergency drugs, case taking on patients and management of various diseases are taught to student department of kayachikitsa Conduct post graduation course i.e. M.D. kayachikitsa and PHD curriculum at etc best our institution.

2024 Shree Saptashrungi Shikshan Sanstha Sanchalit, Anjaneya, Ayurved College & Hospital, Nashik. All Rights Reserved Services Provided By  Sujyot Technologies